Full price 11 €
Over 18s
Reduced rate 7 €
Groups (with at least 20 paying adults), military and police (with a card), members of affiliated bodies, students of the University of Trento
Adults pay full price, all minors of the same family enter for free.
Reduced rate 2 €
Children up to 17 years (unaccompanied), classes on a free visit (booking required).
Children and teenagers up to 17 years, disabled visitors and their carers, Museum members, Museum Membership Card holders, visitors with the Trentino Guest Card and Museum Pass, in-service members of the armed forces and police force, Cassa Rurale Alto Garda e Rovereto members with the inCooperazione card, tourist guides with identification card, ANMIC members, teachers accompanying classes (2 per class), a group leader for each group, accredited journalists (for accreditation write to comunicazione@museodellaguerra.it at least two days before the visit), employees of MIBAC and the Assessorato alla Cultura della Provincia Autonoma di Trento, Civil Service operators (with a card).